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August 2017 Coach of the Month – Frances Lizarde

August 2017 Coach of the Month - Frances Lizarde

SPUYSC selects Frances Lizarde as our August 2017 Coach of the Month. Frances was born and raised in San Francisco but grew up in Richmond/San Pablo.

Growing up, Frances did not play soccer until she became involved with SPUYSC and the Pee Wee Program where her daughter, Charlotte Lizarde, played. Frances is currently the Coach for the U-8 San Pablo Raimbows, one of SPUYSC’s recreational female teams.

Frances enjoys coaching and spending time with her girls. In fact, one of the challenges as a Coach is not being able to spend more time with her team. Frances states that one of her favorite team rituals happens at the end of every game. All the girls give each other hugs, not just to show each other love, but to embrace each other and tell each other what a good job everyone did. It’s a huge hug fest. Frances really enjoys what she does and loves her team, the girls, the parents and the club.

Frances is also the Marketing Director for the SPUYSC Board. She assists with Board meetings as much as she can. In addition, she is the Girls Scouts Troop Leader for Troop #31806 where her daughter, Charlotte, is a Girls Scout.

For her commitment and dedication, SPUYSC is proud to name Frances Lizarde as our August Coach of the Month.

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